What is an export license and when do I need one?
An exportation is always subject to authorization, if the respective goods are named in a European or national goods list ("listed"). The range of goods encompassed by those lists reaches from weapons and ammunition including their production facilities though materials, systems, plant & equipment for nuclear purposes, high-performance materials, certain machine tools, electronics, computers and telecommunication up to certain chemical plants and chemicals. Aside from the obligations to obtain a permit for listed goods, European and other national obligations to obtain a permit for non-listed goods exist that tie up to the intended use of such goods. These so-called "catch-all" regulations normally pertain to critical countries only. Additionally, under certain circumstances also the services of technical support as well as commercial and agency activities ("brokering") may be subject to control. Licensable is an exportation, if the foreign policy and security policy interests of the Federal Republic of Germany are not at risk.
Source: www.bafa.de